What is Feng Shui?

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What is Feng Shui?

Feng shui is pronounced, “fung shway” which loosely translates to “wind & water”. An ancient Chinese house design philosophy has rapidly gained acceptance in several countries as a means to enhancing wellbeing by rearranging how energy called “Chi” flows through a home. Feng Shui works on the theory that all objects and spaces in a home operate on different energy, and they affect each other in several ways. Hence, you can assume that objects in your home have positive or negative effects on the energy of your home.

The goal of feng shui is to restore balance to these energies, which are needed to create an atmosphere that aligns homeowner’s ambitions and dreams. This ancient design philosophy promotes prosperity, good health, creativity, respect for others, good social relationships and self-confidence.

What is Feng Shui?
Absorb More Energy and Balance the Elements!

Absorb More Energy and Balance the Elements!

You should know that feng shui is a complicated practice with many different elements that require years of training to master. In addition, some aspects of feng shui like the practice of hanging crystals from the ceiling shouldn’t be used when home staging. Endeavour to apply feng shui correctly, as some of its principles can often contradict home staging basics.

To understand the concept of feng shui, you need to grasp the principles of Qi (“chee”) and polarity. Qi is the energy or “life force” in an environment and is constantly flowing through that environment. Polarity on the other hand is about “yin” and “yang”, which are the female and male energies in a room. Therefore, your goal is to combine them, and have them balanced in your home.

Yin qualities are female, soft, passive, motherly and dark, while yang qualities are male, hard, exertive and bright. The goal is to create a balance between dark and light, hard and soft, curvy and straight and geometric patterns and floral patterns when putting together your feng shui home design.

Feng shui experts are of the opinion that certain physical elements can either attract energy or allow others repel/obstruct it. We can use this to our advantage by personalizing and attracting the kind of energy we want or need the most. You should let energy flow freely in your homes and have it focused on where you need it most as it tends to help you attain goals.

Do I need a feng shui transformation?

Most people have noticed how stressful things are when you juggle home, family, career, health, and relationship issues. That is why they need a full service feng shui transformation to help get things back under control and find balance. Feng Shui can provide you with the tools to achieve the harmony you seek by objectively assessing your living spaces. They question the life forces surrounding you and can provide you with support to get the transformation needed to make things easy.

Feng Shui Transformations is a combination of feng shui and geomancy consultancies aimed at assisting people in understanding external energy flow and learn how this reflects as internal stress and imbalance. It seeks to empower individuals to make positive changes in their lives through a focus on their living environment and consequently, improve their physical, psychological, and spiritual self.

Do I need a feng shui transformation?

What is a feng shui consultation and how does it work?

The specifics of feng shui consultation works based on the interpretation, teachings, mode of practice, education, and experiences of each consultant. However, you’ll likely find some basis across the board when you hire a professional feng shui consultant.

You can have a feng shui consultation, such as; when you’re starting something new, when in need of support, the need to have a clear spiritual path and implementing it to your environment. You can also reach out for a consult when you want to create true wellness in your home and life, for prosperity of your home, and when you need closure.

A feng shui consultation is okay and very helpful in all types of situation, as long as it feels right to you. That is why the ideal time to get one is when you are drawn to have a professional consultation. Most people get feng shui consultation for their homes and office spaces; consult on their architectural or garden designs, house decluttering and cleaning, geomancy, counseling, and others.

What is a feng shui consultation and how does it work?
How do I select a Consultant?

How do I select a Consultant?

Selecting a consultant is a very important step in feng shui consultation. You need to do a proper research on potential consultant before deciding on whom to go for. You can try knowing the difference between the schools, and use that information to determine the kind of consultant you want. The most important thing is to work with someone you trust, respect, and make you feel comfortable.

Endeavour to let the feng shui consultant know what you want. A feng shui consultant doesn’t come up with designs from thin air; it is always helpful to discuss why you want a consultation. Most people have no idea what to expect or what they want, they just know that they are searching for something. They may need help with a particular issue such as settling into a new home, or it could just be the knowledge that you are open to anything. Take time to contemplate whatever comes up. It’s okay if you are confused and open-minded, or conversely if you want something precise and specific.

How do I set up a consultation?

Setting up a consultation is easy and works with standard. You can select a time preference, maybe on-line or in-person (the best option). Professional consultant always request for basic information such as address, floor plan, photographs of your home, birth dates and time prior to the meeting. The best, easiest, and safest method to submit this information is via an intake form issued by the consultant. This form usually comes along with questions pertaining to what you would like to work on, your priorities, and wishes

How do I set up a Feng Shui consultation?
How much does it cost to get a feng shui consultation?

How much does it cost to get a feng shui consultation?

Some charge by the session, while others prefer to charge hourly or by square footage. There is no standard or average rate. However, if you’re on a budget, it may be helpful to reach out to a feng shui school for a student or class consultation to get a lower rate. 

Feng shui consultations vary depending on the size of the house. However, most consultation takes at least an hour or two for small homes and longer for a large house. They usually begin with discussions of your priorities, then a review of your astrology – this is when your intake form is highly helpful. Along the line, the consultant will walk through your space suggesting changes or adjustments to match your priorities. Smaller adjustments may be made right then. A space clearing or blessing will probably be performed to end the session. Afterward, a follow-up call or report will include what was covered, along with the suggestions the expert had for your area.

How do I use a feng shui bagua map in my house or apartment?

Applying feng shui principles to high-traffic areas like your bedroom, living space, or home office can have positive and reverberating effects throughout your life. Feng shui is all about balancing different elements such as wood, fire, earth, metal, and water, and yin with yang. The bagua map (which translates to “eight trigrams” in Chinese) is an important tool for creating this kind of harmony and balance throughout a space.

A bagua map is used to divide your space into nine separate areas – each one relating to a certain theme. The center square of the bagua is considered the heart of the home, where the energy is distributed to all the different sectors. The two different approaches to using a bagua map are; the traditional (or compass) bagua maps where compasses are used to determine the different areas of the home or the front door method that aligns the bottom of the bagua map with a home’s front door.

If you live in an apartment, align the bottom of the bagua map with your front entrance wall. Your front door will most likely be in the knowledge and self-cultivation area, career area, or helpful people area. If you live in a house, grab a physical compass or download a compass app to your smartphone. Place the career area of your home where your compass indicates north. The south will be your reputation area; the east will be your ancestors and health area, and so on.

Representation of the nine segment of the Bagua Map

1.Wealth & Prosperity is located at the southeast area of your house or the rear left corner if you’re using the front door method. It is usually associated with the element wood and you can enhance it by having healthy plants in that area.

2. Fame & Reputation is located at the southern area of your house or the rear middle section if you’re using the front door method. It is usually associated with the element fire and you can enhance it by having candles in that area.

3. Love & Marriage is themed passion and located at the southwest area of your house or rear right corner if you’re using the front door method. It is usually associated with the element earth and fire. small furniture should be in pairs in that area.

4. Children & Creativity is located at the western area of your house or middle right section if you’re using the front door method. It is usually associated with the element metal. The colors white, metal, and gold should be in that area.

5. Ancestors & Health is located at the eastern area of your house or middle left section if you’re using the front door method. It is usually associated with the element wood. You can enhance it by having wood furniture in that area.

6. Knowledge & Self-Cultivation is themed wisdom and located at the northeast area of your home or the bottom left corner if you’re using the front door method. It is usually associated with the element earth and water. You can enhance it by having a crystal in the room.

7. Career & Life Path is themed work and located at the northern section of your home or the bottom area if you’re using the front door method. It is usually associated with the element water. You can enhance it by having in that area.

8. Helpful People & Travels is themed mentorship and networks. It is located at the northwest corner of your home or the bottom right corner if you’re using the front door method. It is usually associated with the element metal. You can enhance it by having round, metallic objects in that area.

9. Health & Center is themed foundation and located at the very center of your space. It is usually associated with the element earth. The center really plays a supporting role to all the other guas in your home. You can decorate it with earth tones and calming decor.

What are the basic feng shui home staging tips?

What are the basic feng shui home staging tips?

Do you know that applying feng shui home staging basics to your home before you place it on the real estate market can bring positive and harmonious energy to those who enter your home? Home staging creates a warm, welcoming environment for buyers. If you are planning to sell your house, and you aim to make fast and more money from it, then follow the feng shui home staging tips here.

One of the basic home designs of using fen shui is decluttering your home. Professional feng shui consultants believe that a cluttered home has bad energy because there are many things blocking the flow of energy. Simple changes in the selection and placement of furniture, accessories, and the use of color, will improve the flow of energy through your home and the way people feel as they enter.

Feng Shui experts recommend that you declutter, depersonalize, clean, and repair your homes. Get rid of items that you have been clinging to for long as it helps clear away bad energy and restore balance. Another good side to decluttering is you get to earn money by selling your old stuffs.
After decluttering, clean every part of the house. Clear the closets and cabinets, empty the drawers, clear the spider webs on the ceiling, fix light issues and so on. You may have to do extensive repair works. You can also use this period to have a good head start on moving away your stuffs.

What are the basic feng shui home staging tips?