Home Staging Consultation

What is home staging and why do I need one?

Archic - Home Staging Consultation

Home Staging Consultation

If you want to sell your home quickly and at a top price, one of your obligations must include home staging. While home staging comes at a price and takes a reasonable effort, it is worth the investment when you consider that about 82 percent of agents have said that home staging creates a dream home for buyers and inspires buyers to go for gold.

Why settle for mediocrity when a simple effort can get you quality, right?

Of course, home staging does not happen out of the blue; putting a property up for sale is more than what meets the eye. Hence, the need for a home staging consultation.

What Is Home Staging Consultation?

Home staging consultation involves supervision and reviewing the details of the home you want to put up for sale. In essence, the home stager checks that all parts of the property (rooms, yards, parks, and views) are worth the price. If any part is found lacking, the consultant collaborates with workers across sectors to make amends.

During home staging consultation, it is a norm that the consultant hires workers who help to achieve the dream home that should be up for listing.

Home Staging Consultation with Fran Farahmand

Should You Hire A Home Staging Expert?

Before, and sometimes, during the consultation, this question pops up. And consultants may be tempted to water down the importance of hiring home staging expert for styling the house especially if they have basic knowledge about interior decoration. However, you only get the dream home if you follow the correct procedure. And I daresay hiring a home stylist is procedural or necessary during home staging consultation.

What does hiring a home staging expert help with?

Home staging experts help bring more beauty to your home; if you think a particular building is already an acquired taste, wait until a home stylist is done, and you will be exposed to more beauty and possibilities.

They bring organization; not many people – no matter how talented – know how to arrange colors, furniture, or even utensils like a home staging expert. So, yes. You should hire an interior stylist.

A home staging expert ensures that the home is listed at its best; if selling a picturesque and attractive home means anything to you, getting an interior stylist should be paramount because this and more is what they ensure.

Home Stage Consultation Steps,

A home staging consultation is a process that typically happens in different steps until the desired result is achieved.
What are the steps involved during home staging consultation?

As a home stager, you are many things – and one of the most obvious is that you are an inspector, saddled with the responsibility first, to review and inspect the home you hope to list.

Inspecting the home is a reasonable first step that home staging experts must not boycott. By inspecting, the home staging expert tries to see the home from a buyer’s point of view. A walk around the home and through all sections of the building will provide deeper insight and help the home staging expert make an adequate assessment of the home that is about to be listed. When the inspection is thorough, the expert gets to know the parts of the home that need reparation and more work.

It is one thing for a home staging expert to inspect and review based on personal expectations. It is another thing – a step further – when a home staging expert seeks out the estate agent who has been in contact with potential buyers. When they meet with estate agents, packaging the home to fit the taste of buyers becomes easier.

The meeting with the estate agent helps the home staging expert understand the target market, and of course, positions them to create and design in this regard.

The first two steps are only useful when a home staging expert considers them and uses them to make the home better looking. For instance, after review, if the expert finds that one of the rooms is not well furnished, or paintings need to be replaced, the next thing should be finding ways to ensure that resource workers who can proffer solutions to all the problems are hired, and they do the job effectively. There are always things to do after a home staging expert has inspected and reviewed a home that is to be put for sale. Apart from painting, other things they may likely do range from window-washing, replacing worn-out carpets and lighting, installing new equipment and deep cleaning.

The first impression will always matter. When potential home buyers pick the home they would like to purchase. It is important to know that most people for quality are often fascinated with homes that will serve them long-term. But this shouldn’t stop us from acknowledging that the first view of the home will create a lasting impression on them. So, the aesthetics of the home you are preparing for listing matter almost as much as the function. Home staging experts must improve the curb appeal after repairs have been done in the right places.

Before listing the home, a home staging expert does not stop at improving just the building. It is also essential that equipment and furniture used in the buildings are properly made and adequately placed. No matter how beautiful a building is, it is at the risk of turning off the potential buyer if the furniture/equipment used are not fitting. Yes, something as simple as a large piece of furniture or wrong placement may turn off home buyers. And the only way to counter this is for home staging experts to ensure appropriate placement of equipment and furniture in the home.

Home Stage Consultation Steps,

A home staging consultation is a process that typically happens in different steps until the desired result is achieved.
What are the steps involved during home staging consultation?

1. Inspecting the home

As a home stager, you are many things – and one of the most obvious is that you are an inspector, saddled with the responsibility first, to review and inspect the home you hope to list.

Inspecting the home is a reasonable first step that home staging experts must not boycott. By inspecting, the home staging expert tries to see the home from a buyer’s point of view. A walk around the home and through all sections of the building will provide deeper insight and help the home staging expert make an adequate assessment of the home that is about to be listed. When the inspection is thorough, the expert gets to know the parts of the home that need reparation and more work.

2. Meeting with agents

It is one thing for a home staging expert to inspect and review based on personal expectations. It is another thing – a step further – when a home staging expert seeks out the estate agent who has been in contact with potential buyers. When they meet with estate agents, packaging the home to fit the taste of buyers becomes easier.

The meeting with the estate agent helps the home staging expert understand the target market, and of course, positions them to create and design in this regard.

3. Repair

The first two steps are only useful when a home staging expert considers them and uses them to make the home better looking. For instance, after review, if the expert finds that one of the rooms is not well furnished, or paintings need to be replaced, the next thing should be finding ways to ensure that resource workers who can proffer solutions to all the problems are hired, and they do the job effectively. There are always things to do after a home staging expert has inspected and reviewed a home that is to be put for sale. Apart from painting, other things they may likely do range from window-washing, replacing worn-out carpets and lighting, installing new equipment and deep cleaning.

4. Improving the Home’s Curb Appeal

The first impression will always matter. When potential home buyers pick the home they would like to purchase. It is important to know that most people for quality are often fascinated with homes that will serve them long-term. But this shouldn’t stop us from acknowledging that the first view of the home will create a lasting impression on them. So, the aesthetics of the home you are preparing for listing matter almost as much as the function. Home staging experts must improve the curb appeal after repairs have been done in the right places.

5. Appropriate placement of equipment and furniture

Before listing the home, a home staging expert does not stop at improving just the building. It is also essential that equipment and furniture used in the buildings are properly made and adequately placed. No matter how beautiful a building is, it is at the risk of turning off the potential buyer if the furniture/equipment used are not fitting. Yes, something as simple as a large piece of furniture or wrong placement may turn off home buyers. And the only way to counter this is for home staging experts to ensure appropriate placement of equipment and furniture in the home.

Professional Home Staging Consultation

There was a time when home staging was not generally accepted or considered necessary before buying a home. Home staging is now mainstream and considered a necessity by serious buyers. And yes, it is okay to expect the best home listing when home staging is involved. But, away from the result, there are other expectations from home staging consultations.

Are you wondering how a professional home staging consultation works?

Well, here is how:

Firstly, you need the presence and expertise of a home staging experts. As earlier stated, a home staging expert is the one that is responsible for reviewing the building and all that is related to the building before listing. And oh, it is more rewarding when you use a professional home stager. Here are the functions of a professional home stager:

Are you wondering how a professional home staging consultation works?
Are you wondering how a professional home staging consultation works?
  • A home stager will visit your home, discuss your budget and set a timeframe to conduct a complete tour of your home.
  • A professional home stager takes measurements, photos and notes of the home.
  • The professional home stager will look over the property concentrating issues like condition, presence of clutter, cleanliness, traffic flow, furniture placement, use of space, light and use of color.
  • At the end of the visit, the professional home stager will provide you with a checklist of detailed recommendations and a prioritized action plan that will make your home Open House ready.
  • The professional home stager advises you on what to remove, where to shop, and suggest color choices so you can begin to make changes immediately.

At Archic design, we delight in carrying out all the functions above. So, you can request a cost estimate for us to do the staging process.

But it is also fine if you want to do the crux of the work yourself. We will be here to guide and support. Leaving us with the job from start to finish however, means that we will ask you to make your home ready. Making your home ready entails making minor repairs, painting removing, packing and repackaging some items or storing pieces of furniture among other things.

Upon completion of our staging, we can also provide you as an optional service with a set of pictures of your newly staged home for use in Internet marketing and brochures.

Are you wondering how a professional home staging consultation works?

What Are The Things To Expect From a Home Staging Consultation?

Either you would like to have an in-person consultation or virtual meeting, the number of things to expect as a buyer or an estate agent during a home staging consultation includes but are not limited to the following:

Virtual/Online Consultation:

If you would rather speak to a home staging expert from the comfort of your home, you are lucky. At Archic design, we have been consulting with clients online for a long haul. Considering the perks of online consultation and the ongoing pandemic, we intend to continue virtual consultation. We intend to continually do our part where public health and safety rules are concerned; for this reason, we will continue to use Zoom calls, WhatsApp calls and google meets among other platforms to conduct home staging meetings for two (2) hours. At the end of every session, our clients may expect

  • Checklist of detailed recommendations
  • Prioritized action plan that will make your home open house ready.
Archic - Virtual/Online Consultation
Archic - Virtual/Online Consultation with Fran Farahmand

So, yes! We are likely to engage you in home staging consultation if you patronize us. Are you curious about the meaning of home consultation?

Well, home staging consultation is a detailed online discussion and education/advisory service to review what you should do to your property before listing.

When consulting, you will get suggestions about the best lighting to improve the home’s appeal, and you likely get to hear about the appropriate furniture type and design to enhance the styling and beauty of the home.

Next Line of Action

Home staging is now a great deal and, from all indications, an advantage to stagers, agents and home buyers especially. It is no surprise that more people now consider it a necessity. The steps involved in the consultation – inspection, meeting with agents, repair, improving the curb’s view and installing essential things, among other things are essential before buying a home. As to what you can expect from home staging consultation, the fact that time and the price are top on the list is no surprise. Are you interested in selling a property and you don’t know how to go about it? Book an appointment with the professionals, let us walk you through the process.

Occupied Staging Decor package
Starting From $800

Walk through with homeowner

Explain in details about the changes that needs to be done (discuss about recommendations )

Applying staging recommendations and adding our accessories

Occupied Staging Value Package
Starting From $1500

Walk through with homeowner

Explain in details about the changes that needs to be done (discuss about recommendations )

Applying staging recommendations and adding our accessories

Adding required furniture

Vacant Staging
(Get Quote)

Visiting the property

Explain in details about the changes that needs to be done (discuss about recommendations)

Staging the property with full accessories & Furniture package:

  • Basic package: Minimal & Beautiful
  • Silver package: Furniture + Decorations
  • Gold package: Luxury Staging

All packages include Free Basic photography & Reels video

Home Staging Packages